REPENTANCE a Heavenly word

Mama and Daddy had been married five years before I was born. During those five years they enjoyed their freedom and social life to the ultimate. Mama was blessed to be a professional homemaker and Daddy was blessed to be employed with Southern Railway in Alexandria, Virginia. Living in the nation’s capital was spectacular! They both gave up the social scene when I was born, but one thing Daddy could not give up was his social drink and yes, fell victim to the addiction of alcohol.

One glorious night in Culpeper, Virginia, after attending a “tent meeting”, my Daddy came home bursting through the door, grabbed my stunned Mama and fell to his knees and said, “Please, you have to pray with me. Something dramatic has happened in my life. I was so lost to crippling sins, but now I’m saved by God’s Grace.”

Daddy’s repentance made a radical change of his heart and mind. It stopped him from continuing in the comfortable direction of a “living it up” lifestyle which was heading down to a path of destruction, not only to his physical body, but causing consequences to his family and future generations.

What a wonderful Savior, what a wonderful word - repentance - completely turning around 360 degrees and going in the opposite direction.

Yes, he gave up his addition, his old buddies, and friends and never looked back. Now, Mama did not cry herself to sleep at night with a pain of hurt in her heart and she did not return to the attorney to continue with divorce proceedings.

Daddy was saved by faith in Jesus Christ!

Romans 10:8,9

“The word is near you, it is in your mouth and in your heart”, that is, the Word of Faith. We are proclaiming that if you confess with your mouth “Jesus is Lord” and believe in your heart that God raised Him (Jesus) from the dead, you will be saved.”


How grateful I am, of Lord, that YOU have allowed me to share Daddy’s testimony. I pray that if someone doesn’t know you as their Lord and Saviour or if they are not sure, I pray they will confess to You with their mouths, repent of their sins and invite you into their hearts to live. I pray this in Son’s precious name, Jesus.



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Now Our Journey Begins