Now Our Journey Begins

On this blog I will be sharing stories of my life, but not in chronological order. After much prayer and hearing that still small voice saying, “Start at the beginning of your spiritual legacy, these are you testimonies.”

We are on a pilgrimage in this life. It is a journey with trials and tribulations along the way. Nothing is perfect, nothing is smooth, only the blessed assurance there is a God of Mercy and Grace who provides HIS love and faithfulness on the journey.

Life is hard and as I tried to show on the pilgrim’s body, that life has taken its toll, but yet there is a complacency of peace on his face and joy in his soul.

This pilgrim is a child of God and his Savior precedes him. God is prepared to meet him on the road of his journey. God has gone before him and knows exactly what he will need for his pilgrimage. (Deuteronomy 31:8)

Now our journey begins.

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REPENTANCE a Heavenly word